RANZCO backs Australia’s vaping stance

May 4, 2024 Staff reporters

The Royal Australian and New Zealand College of Ophthalmologists (RANZCO) highlighted the importance of the Australian government’s restrictions on e-cigarettes (vapes) to reduce their associated health risks and as a gateway to smoking for the country’s youth. Some chemicals in vaping liquids are highly toxic to the eyes in larger concentrations, said Dr Helene Cass, RANZCO’s public health committee chair, and it’s been shown vaping increases oxidative stress on the body. “This is likely to accelerate ageing processes in the eye, such as cataract and AMD.” Plus, there’s likely to be many other adverse health impacts as more research is undertaken, she said.


RANZCO commended the federal government for its proactive measures in combatting recreational vaping, including the recent bans on the importation of disposable and non-therapeutic vapes, said Dr Cass. “By taking action now, we can help reduce the risk of both vaping and tobacco-related health harms across our population and help maintain Australia’s proud tradition as a world leader in this area of public health.”