Oestradiol eases post-menopause DED?
Credit: Patrícia Mata

Oestradiol eases post-menopause DED?

September 18, 2022 Staff reporters

An Austrian phase 2 study showed topical oestradiol reduced signs and symptoms of dry eye disease (DED) in postmenopausal women for at least three months.


Medical University of Vienna Associate Professor Gerhard Garhöfer led the study of Redwood Pharma’s RP101, which contains 17-beta-estradiol in a heat-sensitive ‘IntelliGel’ vehicle, allowing the product to remain on the eye for longer.


Across the different dosing groups, Schirmer’s test (with anaesthesia) increased significantly after 14 days and after one month of treatment in the control group, remaining significantly elevated until the end of the study. SANDE symptom scores showed a decrease at the end of treatment in all groups.


A/Prof Garhöfer said oestrogen receptors have been found in the conjunctiva, cornea and meibomian glands. “The pronounced contrast in dry eye prevalence between men and postmenopausal women points towards an involvement of sex hormones. Furthermore, anti-oestrogen treatment seems to disrupt tear production.”