The 2024 winning CCLS NZ picture by Hans Vellara
Catching the eye – the 2024 CCLS photo competition winners
May 7, 2024
Lesley Springall
The annual CCLS conference photo competition attracted a wealth of talent, many amusing title puns and some very strong voting, said CCLS NZ president Adele Jefferies, delighting the audience with a selection of some of the more weird and wonderful entries. There can only be three winners, however, with each taking home a goodie box from competition sponsors, Corneal Lens Corporation (CLC), Coopervision and Device Technologies. The winners were:
- First: Hans Vellara, Te Whatu Ora Auckland - Acute hydrops, characterised by the sudden onset of corneal oedema due to the rupture of Descemet’s membrane, resulting in pain, reduced vision and corneal clouding

- Second (above): Kevin Liang, Canon Street Optometrists – ‘Valentine’s Day special: eye love u-veitis’

- Third (above): Mai Phong Le, Canon Street Optometrists – ‘New Zealand – land of the long herpes ulcer’